Telemetry System

Telemetry built using Back4App database and REST API connected in a Unity development build. All the data in this page is static.

This page shows 3 differents phases for our level design, coffeeshop-v6 is the final level used in the presentation

Coffee Shop v6 - Heatmap


Spotted Areas

Caught Areas

In-Engine Heatmap

Playtesters: 7

Avg. Spotted per player: 20

Avg. Got Caught per player: 3.8

0 player completed without getting caught

Coffee Shop V5 - Heatmap

In-Engine Heatmap


Spotted Areas

Caught Areas

Playtesters: 14

Avg. Spotted per player: 8

Avg. Got Caught per player: 3

2 players completed without getting caught

Coffee Shop V5 - Players

Shane Heatmap

Bryce Heatmap

Spotted Areas

Caught Areas


Spotted Areas

Caught Areas

CoffeeShop V2